The deposit is FULLY REFUNDABLE, so I recommend that if your are strongly considering this modification, that you make the deposit. It's no problem if you do not ultimately buy, since I'm very confident there will be a market for our company to sell your reserved hardware. The deposits plus three prototypes are exactly how many we will make. Here's where we are at today. For folks following along in other threads, we have broken nearly every CAN bus message that we require. One that has eluded us so far is the temperature of the cells, but there hasn't been much effort recently to find that, as we are working on other bits of the project. We have one Nissan Leaf / Yazaki CHAdeMO inlet and one Yazaki CHAdeMO inlet that just was shipped yesterday from the USA distributor. Getting this hardware has so far been the biggest nail-biter in the whole project. In order to supply the JdeMO's for 2015, we need everything required to be ordered by Oct 1, 2014. I will sell the Nissan version, as it's not really suitable for anything more than prototypes. We should have an additional 20 Yazaki CHAdeMO inlets in hand by Nov 1, 2014. I got lucky, because somebody else had ordered them many months ago and I was able to get them reserved. Because we have JdeMO deposits in excess of the 21 Yazaki inlets currently on hand or reserved, it might be a while before I can get more, which is why there is a Sept 30 cutoff. The other pieces of hardware are without much fanfare. The custom made brackets for the Yazaki inlets will go through the same manufacturing process as our JLong handles. That is a sheet of 6061-T6 in 0.125 inch thick, water jet cut to specifications, MIG or TIG welded, powder coated and laser etched with our logo. The additional feature will be a serial number stamped into the metal. We now have all the electric connections that will "plug and play" into the Toyota wiring harness. The prototype circuit cards are in hand and being tested today. The firmware is not complete, and likely won't be until "the end" of the project. Thankfully, the charger side of the process is very straight forward, and we can easily communicate and control CHAdeMO. The more challenging Tesla side of the equation is mostly figured out. The singlular firmware challenge remaining is integrating the two, but obviously this is not a show stopper... it's just lines of code. There are other "off-the-shelf" bits, like relays, a circuit card container and hood latch modifications. That's the whole program. I'm currently in Europe through 30 Sept 2014, and I hope to put together a video of our progress in Oct / Nov.