Yesterday I put up a post describing my experience with disabling the backup beep using the methodology posted by Frank Perkins in 'Turn off Reverse Beep - Mac Instructions.' While it is Mac-centeric it should work on a Windows PC with the proper drivers. That got me thinking that with the proper codes I could also disable the seatbelt nag. I did a Google search and came up with a posting by SuperDog on the ScionLife forum. As the code entry procedure was very similar I decided to try it. Following is the code script with some informative annotations: >ath1 OK * Turn on all headers so I can see it >atl1 OK * Turn on linefeed so I can read it >at sp 6 OK * Set the protocol to ISO 15765-4 CAN 11/500 >at dp ISO 15765-4 (CAN 11/500) * Display the protocol (make sure it took it) >at caf1 OK * Set auto formatting on so I can read it >at sh 7c0 OK * Set header to 7c0, that's where I'm going to send the command to >21a7 7C8 03 61 A7 C0 * me - What's your seat belt setting? * xB - My seat belt setting is set to annoy you, C0. >3ba700 7C8 03 7F 3B 78 7C8 02 7B A7 * me - don't annoy me anymore * xB - processing >21a7 7C8 03 61 A7 00 * me - did you get that? * xB - yeah I turned it off, don't you see the 00?